LittleBits競賽 : 愛台灣 Ai Dai Wan – Exhalation Game #BitOlympics


2015年LittleBits的趣味競賽活動「BitOlympics」,作品「Ai Dai Wan」取自於台語「愛台灣」,歷時三週時間完成。 透過LittleBits電子積木的組合,搭配參與者的吹氣動作,便可讓船隻運作向前邁進,並刺破終點的氣球,是個測試肺活力的有趣遊戲,更獲得第一名的佳績。完整的製作過程,包括3D列印船身、LittleBits組裝與測試、各個階段的挑戰與改良,都可參考以下連結。

In order to row a boat fast and steady one would need precise movements, and coherent respiration. With that in mind, we designed a small game to test not only one’s lung capacity but also other criteria such as the intensity and stability of ones exhalation where the players find out during the game. Continue reading by following the link.

參與人員:黃聖傑、林新建、黃書婷、林育潔、洪琴雅、王俊翔、Bou-Yu Chen、Hal Maa


Ai Dai Wan – Exhalation Game #BitOlympics from Huang Shu Ting on Vimeo.