衍伸式動物輪椅(狗輪椅)目前以設計與製造的造價都偏高,並以傳統製造方法為主,且依照體型大小不一而有一定的限制,由此動機出發,設計出狗的輪椅原型,帶入Open design的概念,將設計原始碼公開,並設計衍生式程式,讓主人或寵物業者可以簡單地輸入的身高、體重等資料,就能以數位製造方式客制化,為心愛的寵物製作輪椅。未來希望可進一步就市場方向發展,與寵物業者合作開發更具市場潛力價值的商品,創造商業模式。
The existing dog wheel-chairs are full of limitations in terms of costs, materials, structures, etc. We tried to build the first prototype in digital fabrication way in 2014, and started to work with animal hospitals to facilitate the function of data base. It is even easier to manufacture now by measuring the dog’s size (such as length and height), and the system will be able to automatically produce the customized wheel-chair.