動態自造實驗室(FabLab Dynamic)受邀擔任「第十屆台北數位藝術節」國際邀請展之策展團隊,提出「創·世紀 Digitopia」主題,討論若藝術的本質是創作,那創作的本質又是什麼?
從近年來的新興浪潮「自造文化」出發,「創·世紀」重新詮釋創作(make)如何成為藝術的本質和生活的各種連結,自造者(maker)和自造運動(maker movement)的竄起,看數位製造如何成為第三次工業革命的引領要角,並成為一種難以忽略的當代文化。
「創·世紀」延伸探討多元議題,由開放原始碼(Open Source )而達到的共有、共創模式出發,延伸至創作者和使用者之間的身分疆界,透過觀者與作品的共構關係,強化社群間的交互影響作用,或打破既有社群力量,攪拌調味成更多可能,藉以進階說明文化智慧資產共有、反對一切形式壟斷,以及新社群匯聚的核心價值。
集結來自英國的WikiHouse、美國的DNA Porject、日本的SAFECAST、台灣零時政府g0v等重要創作團隊,並邀請台灣各地透過RepRap系統自組3D印表機的Maker們,展現自造文化在各個層面所激起的漣漪,藝術的創作基底也產生對應的波瀾,衍化出全新的創作/製造經驗。展品的本身僅是載具,需要透過觀者的親自參與,才能更加顯現作品內涵的深刻,回到展場內部強化「共創」精神,回應創作的本質。
The 10th Digital Art Festival Taipei – Digitopia, Equality before the Arts
This would not be an artistic exhibition! Art can never be perfectly defined. Nor does it require a perfect definition. Instead, art evolves with the course of times. Treating Digitopia as the theme of this exhibition, the curatorial team seeks to identify the Zeitgeist of contemporary artistic creation and give a brief account to the emerging context of the digital era.
Thus, we are obliged to address the following question: “What kind of era is it?”
The exhibition invited important teams around the world, such as WikiHouse (UK), DNA Project (US), SAFECAST (Japen), and g0v (TW). The wild-spread RepRap community also too part in this meaningful and representative event.