透過競賽的形式搭建創意平台,網羅潛伏在台灣各處的Top Maker,並連結包羅萬象的「製造」範疇專業者,涵蓋建築、設計、藝術、教育、電子、互動科技、環境工程等人才,實踐以「社會設計」(Social Design)為主軸的競賽主題:發現問題、解決問題,繼而往更好的生活環境邁進。競賽過程將透過實境節目的方式播出,呈現團隊從發想、討論、製造,到面對使用者、評審評價等過程,其中更邀請台灣第一代創業英雄與資深maker加入,為新一輩的選手指引創作方向之餘,也帶來世代間攜手共創的感動,激起全民動手創作的熱情。
Based on the competitive concept of a reality show, the program “Top Maker” was designed to build a platfrom fot all professionals to work together. The participants came from various fields, such as architech, design, art, educaiton, electric, interactive technology, engineering, etc. They were asked to pick up team members to accomplish the task which was given by the first generation of entreprenuers in Taiwan. The team with the lowest points would be eliminated. Let’s see who can make it to the final stage and win the prize.